Eugénio de Castro on the 100th Anniversary of his Spanish Celebration


Miguel Filipe Mochila
CIDEHUS - Interdisciplinary Center for History, Cultures and Societies
José Carlos Seabra Pereira
Faculty of "Letras" of the University of Coimbra
Paula Morão
Faculty of "Letras" of the University of Lisbon
Keywords: Eugénio de Castro; Literary Modernity; Iberian Studies; Transatlantic Studies; Ecocriticism.


In 1922-1923, the Portuguese poet Eugénio de Castro [1969-1944] was received in Madrid for a series of public events. These events represent the peak of an unusual international reception for his contemporary Portuguese authors, which would make him a leading figure in the direction of national and transnational literary modernity. 100 years on, this volume aims to rehabilitate and reinterpret his work and his cultural action. To this end, it brings together essays by some of the leading specialists in the work of the Portuguese poet: José Carlos Seabra Pereira discusses the continuity, syncretism and pioneering nature of his poetry, between symbolism, decadentism, classicism, neo-romanticism and academicism. Paula Morão analyzes his chronicle production, highlighting the characteristics of a modern author and his mastery of the codes of the genre. Bruno Anselmi Matangrano demonstrates the vitality of one of Castro's most famous texts, Belkiss (1897), proposing an ecocritical interpretation. Finally, Miguel Filipe Mochila analyzes the intersection of Eugénio de Castro's poetry and critical positioning, under a decadentist tone, with some of the most important coeval Hispanic authors. The second part presents an anthology of the most relevant critical texts on Eugénio de Castro published in Castilian, here translated into Portuguese almost in their entirety for the first time. These texts prove the depth, diversity and longevity of his Hispanic reception, which touched names such as Rúben Darío, Leopoldo Lugones, Miguel de Unamuno, Rogelio Buendía, Carmen de Burgos, Enrique Díez-Canedo, Andrés González-Blanco, César González-Ruano, Mauricio Bacarisse or Pere Gimferrer.


    José Carlos Seabra Pereira
    Paula Morão
    Bruno Anselmi Matangrano
    Miguel Filipe Mochila

Author Biographies

Miguel Filipe Mochila, CIDEHUS - Interdisciplinary Center for History, Cultures and Societies

Professor at the University of Puerto Rico under a Cooperation Protocol with the Camões Institute, he holds a PhD from the University of Évora for his thesis Modernidade Difusa. A Receção Hispânica de Eugénio de Castro, which has been published by the University of Évora Press (2022). The book results of a project funded by a Doctoral Grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal. He was a visiting researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Buenos Aires and has collaborated with the Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Society and Cultures at the University of Évora, the Centre for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon and the Rubén Darío Centralized Archive at the Tres de Febrero University (Buenos Aires), focusing on modern and contemporary Portuguese literature in conjunction with other Iberian and Ibero-American literatures. In addition to the aforementioned monograph, he also published essays such as “A (De)Construction of Modern Literary Iberia: Translating Eugénio de Castro” (Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zones, 2021, Liverpool University Press), or “Eugénio de Castro Ibérico” (Revista de Estudos Literários, 2021).

José Carlos Seabra Pereira , Faculty of "Letras" of the University of Coimbra

PhD from the Universities of Poitiers and Coimbra, professor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra and at the Catholic University, he was a visiting professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Macau. He researches and teaches in the areas of Literary Theory and Modern Portuguese Literature, and Studies on Camões and Fernando Pessoa. He is the Scientific Coordinator of the Interuniversity Center for Studies on Camões and vice-director of the journal Camoniana, a member of the Editorial Board of Babel and vice-president of the Literary Circle Agustina Bessa-Luís. He has been a member of the juries of the main literary prizes in Portugal and the CPLP, namely the Camões Prize, the Leya Grand Prize and the Portuguese Writers' Association Prizes. A leading figure in studies on Camões, Decadentism, Symbolism, Neo-Romanticism and Modernism, he is the author of a vast body of essays and monographic studies, critical or paracritical editions of works by Gomes Leal, Raul Brandão, Florbela Espanca, among others. He has published hundreds of articles in specialized magazines and entries in encyclopedias, as well as around twenty books, including, in this context, Decadentismo e Simbolismo na Poesia Portuguesa (1975); Do Fim-de-Século ao Tempo de Orfeu (1979); O Neo-Romantismo na Poesia Portuguesa (1999), and the seventh volume of História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa: Do Fim-De-Século ao Modernismo (1995). He recently published As Literaturas em Língua Portuguesa (2020), a history that encompasses the entire universe of Lusophone literatures, from the Origins to the Present.

Paula Morão, Faculty of "Letras" of the University of Lisbon

Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. Between 2007 and 2009 she was the Director-General of Books and Libraries Office (Ministry of Culture of Portugal). She directs the ongoing re-edition of Fernanda Botelho's works (five volumes to date). Some of his most important editions include O Livro de Cesário Verde e Outros Poemas (preface, 2021), de António Nobre (2000); Obras by Irene Lisboa (ten volumes, 1991-1999) and, with Ricardo Nobre, Lírica de João Mínimo by Almeida Garret (critical edition, in press). His academic essays include O Secreto e o Real - Ensaios sobre Literatura Portuguesa (2011); Escrever a Vida - Verdade e Ficção (2008, edited with Carina Infante do Carmo); Concerto das Artes (2007, with Kelly Basílio, Mário Jorge Torres Silva and Teresa Amado), Autobiografia. Auto-representação (2003), and Salomé e Outros Mitos - O Feminino Perverso na Literatura Portuguesa entre o Fim-de-Século e 'Orpheu' (2001).

Bruno Anselmi Matangrano

Translator and PhD in Literature from the University of São Paulo (USP), he was a professor at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL), in Brazil, and is currently a Portuguese Language Lecturer at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS-LYON) in France. He researches symbolist and decadent aesthetics, the fictional unusual and the representations of animals, plants, monsters and fantastic beings in literature and cinema from an ecocritical and zoopoetic approach. He has published several fiction texts and articles in newspapers, collections and magazines and is the author of fiction books and the historiographical essay Fantástico Brasileiro: O Insólito Literário do Romantismo ao Fantasismo (2018), written with Enéias Tavares. He is a member and current deputy leader of the research group “Nós do Insólito: vertentes da ficção, da teoria e da crítica”, based at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ, Brazil). With Maria de Jesus Cabral, he edited Belkiss: Rainha de Sabá, de Axum e do Himiar, in 2019, and with Matteo Rei he edited a special issue of the magazine Ricognizioni dedicated to Eugénio de Castro in 2021. With Maria de Jesus Cabral, he is currently preparing an edition of Oaristos, also by Eugénio de Castro.


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Eugénio de Castro nos Cem Anos da Sua Celebração Espanhola
May 14, 2024

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