Osteology, arthrology and myology: spine, thorax and abdomen
This book constitutes the second volume of an education collection aimed to the students of Veterinary Medicine for understanding of the Anatomy/Morphology of species of veterinary interest.
If it is correct that the morphology of the animal organism remains, in a way, unchanged in its fundamental concepts and in the general description of systems and apparatus, it is also true that students have a certain reluctance and difficulty in their learning. For them, descriptive anatomy is just that, a complex and too vast set of concepts and terms. This problem is aggravated insofar as any curricular unit of Anatomy is taught in the first semesters of the Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine.
As Anatomy teachers, aware of these facts, we decided to create a small pedagogical collection, accessible to all, that integrates the general terminology of each system and apparatus, anatomy, and fundamental concepts. This collection is also complemented with photographs, by the authors, of osteology and myology and dissection orientation protocols for student guidance.
This volume addresses osteology of the spine and thoracic regions, joints, and myology. Teaches the student to relate bone accidents with the skeletal muscles and describes the muscle origin and insertion for a better understanding of the movements.
In our opinion, the advantages of this manual are the inclusion of real photographs with subtitles, as opposed to atlases and virtual models, and the integration of very simple dissection protocols. These attributes are essential tools for the beginning student, as they begin to prepare them for the future “hands on” reality.
Barone R. 2010. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques. Tome 1: ostéologie, 5th.Vigot.
Barone R. 2010. Anatomie comparée des mammifères domestiques. Tome 2: arthrologie et myologie, 4th.Vigot.
Constantinescu GM, Schaller O. 2018. Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature. 4th edition, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart.
Dyce KM, Sack,WO, Wensing CJG. 2018. Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. 5th edition, Saunders, Elsevier.
Evans H, De Lahunta A. 2012. Miller´s anatomy of the dog. 4th Edition. Elsevier, Saunders.
Grossman JD, Sisson S. 1981. Anatomia dos animais domésticos - volume I. Guanabara Koogan.
Hyttel P, Sinowatz F, Vejlsted M, Betteridge K. 2010. Essentials of Domestic Animal Embryology. Saunders, Elsevier.
Konig HE, Liebich H-G. 2007. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals. 3rd Edition. Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart.
Lança MJ, Granja R, Romão, R. 2006. Ossos e Articulações. Terminologia anatómica, classificação óssea e artrologia. Editora Lidel, Lisboa. ISBN-10:972-757-415-7.
Marques P. Lições de Propedêutica Anatómica e Anatomia Geral. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária / Universidade de Lisboa.
Minnesota Veterinary Anatomy. http://vanat.cvm.umn.edu
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