
Hugo Rosado
Department of Sport and Health, School of Health and Human Development, University of Évora
Catarina Pereira
Department of Sport and Health, School of Health and Human Development, University of Évora
Keywords: Aging; Gerontomotricity; Psychomotricity; Functionality; Exercises; Dual-task


This book is directed to psychomotor therapists and other exercise and health professionals who work with older people. The book arises in response to the need for proposals in the literature for interactive cognitive-motor exercises designed in a research-intervention context and supported by a scientific theoretical foundation. The purposes of the book are i) to present a theoretical conceptualization to support gerontomotricity and the design of interactive cognitive-motor exercises and activities to be integrated into exercise programs and psychomotor interventions; and ii) present proposals for interactive cognitive-motor exercises and activities to promote functionality and maintain independence in community-dwelling older people. Fulfilling the first purpose, the book includes a theoretical-scientific foundation centered on gerontomotricity, recommendations for the practice of physical activity, psychomotor rehabilitation, and the benefits of interactive cognitive-motor programs. The rationale also focuses on the presentation of gerontomotricity assessment he rationale also focuses on the presentation of gerontomotricity assessment instruments to define needs and objectives based on an initial assessment and assess the effects of the intervention programs. In response to the second purpose, exercises are proposed and described to be integrated into psychomotor rehabilitation intervention sessions or other gerontomotricity programs aimed at older people.

Author Biographies

Hugo Rosado, Department of Sport and Health, School of Health and Human Development, University of Évora

Departamento de Desporto e Saúde, Escola de Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.

He is concluding his Ph.D. in Human Kinetics at the Universidade de Évora. He has an M.Sc. in Relational Psychomotricity and a B.Sc. in Psychomotor Rehabilitation from the Universidade de Évora. Currently, he has a doctoral fellowship funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/147398/2019), since 2020. He had a research fellowship in the “ESACA Project - Ageing Safety in Alentejo - Understanding for action” (Grant ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000007), from 2016 to 2019. He is an integrated Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC) member. He has published articles in scientific journals, books, and book chapters. He co-supervised M.Sc. dissertations in Psychomotricity and Exercise and Health.

Catarina Pereira, Department of Sport and Health, School of Health and Human Development, University of Évora

Departamento de Desporto e Saúde da Escola de Saúde e Desenvolvimento e Humano da Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.

Member of the Comprehensive Health Research Center (CHRC) and the European Innovation Partnership - Active and Healthy Aging (EIPAHA).

She completed a Ph.D. in Human Kinetics (2011) at the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal, as well as a Master’s Degree in Exercise and Health (1998), and a Degree in Physical Education (1990). She is an Associate Professor at the Universidade de Évora, Portugal. Her scientific area is Human kinetic, specializing in aging, where she has developed multiple research projects. She invented patented products and has an extensive scientific publication of books, book chapters, and national and international papers


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Gerontomotricidade Exercicios Terapeuticos
March 3, 2023

Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)